25 June 2020

Quarantina Quompetiton #3 - Warzone Comfort Zone

This week at Scale Creep HQ, it's very firmly the mid 1990s, and we're revelling in the gonzo classic of early editions of Warzone - the game that captured our hearts with nuggety sculpts of balloon-muscled idiots toting chunky guns and chunkier-yet shoulder pads.  The challenge: to paint some vintage Warzone minis with a two-week deadline to evoke the Spirit of the 1990s.  Let's see how our contestants got on.

07 June 2020

Quarantina Quompetiton #2 - Beaks Out

The RTB01 Challenge!

Greetings creeps! ... creepy... watchers.... scaly.. creepy..... whatever. Bulldoglopez here....


Now.... I'm not talking about your fancy-schmancy modern GW marines. I'm talking that good old-fashioned RTB01, the very first plastic Imperial Space Marines! The wombles, the beakies, THE ORIGINAL GANGSTAS OF THE 41st MILLENNIUM!! The challenge was simple, each of us had 2 weeks to build and paint at least one RTB01 Marine and post it here.

As you will soon see, the results were nothing less than spectacular...